Gain Momentum With Our SEO Audit Services

Get detailed insights into your website’s overall performance and an effective SEO strategy to fast-track your business growth.


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SEO Audit Services Tailored to Your Business Needs

Prioritize the aspects that will have the maximum impact on your search results. How about we start with your website?

If your website's current SEO performance is bothering you, it will be good to perform an SEO audit. Without a comprehensive analysis, it’s difficult to understand the issues that your site is facing to rank higher on SERPs. Above all, user-friendliness, addressing pain points, and lead generation become a challenge.

An SEO audit can shed light on the issues you're encountering, the reasons behind your SEO goal shortcomings, and your competitors’ tactics to get ahead. Moreover, we can help you assess whether a website redesign or reconstruction is needed for the successful execution of an ongoing SEO strategy. This audit will equip you with better readiness and remove uncertainties as you proceed with another comprehensive SEO campaign.

When do you need an SEO audit?

Although we recommend opting for an annual SEO audit service, perform a more frequent check on a website's analytics and keyword rankings to remain competitive.


Look for these signs that show your website may need SEO auditing services:

  • Low traffic volume
  • High bounce rate
  • Slow loading speed
  • Broken hyperlinks
  • "HTTPS not secure" warning displayed
  • Lower ranking compared to competitors
  • Inability to rank for specific long-tail keywords

We’re Not Any Random SEO Audit Services Agency

With countless platforms flaunting free SEO checker tools, it is important to know that they merely skim the surface, addressing only the technical facets of a website. These tools are unlikely to unveil the underlying issues affecting your site. 

The majority of the generated reports lack a customized touch for specific websites, and their suggestions are quite general. Our all-inclusive SEO audit report, on the other hand, will provide you with an in-depth analysis of the issues affecting your website, along with the solutions to tackle them.

The reality is that search engine optimization delves much deeper than a handful of overarching metrics. Our adept SEO auditors meticulously assess your website to gauge its alignment with critical search ranking factors, offering you a clear path toward forthcoming achievements.

Local SEO

Local SEO is crucial for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. It focuses on optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches.

Structured Data Markup (Schema): Implement schema markup for more detailed information in search results.

Hyperlocal Content Creation: Create content focusing on very specific local areas or neighbourhoods.

Optimizing for Voice Search: Include conversational phrases and questions in your content.

Leveraging Local Events and Partnerships: Use local events for content creation and backlinks.

Google Posts within GBP: Regularly post updates and offers on your Google Business Profile.

Monitoring and Responding to Local Questions on Google: Engage with users who ask questions on your GMB listing.

Incorporating Video Content: Create local-focused video content optimized with local keywords.

Mobile-First Approach: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile users.

Our SEO Audit Services Include

Every page on your website can either enhance your SEO efforts or hinder them.

The On-Page SEO audit examines and advises on the best methods to optimize your website content and enhance user experience, enabling improved SERP ranking. This aspect of SEO focuses on elements, such as title tags, content, headers, URLs, and internal links.

On-page SEO issues may include structured data, responsiveness, crawlability, site structure, page speed, page content, headers, image optimization, title tags, URL structure, and meta descriptions.

In addition to detecting these issues, Growth Media Strategy offers suggestions to resolve them. These elements play a pivotal role in optimizing each page for search engines, making it easier for them to understand your page's purpose and intended ranking.

Our SEO audit offers recommendations to improve internal and inbound linking, ensure easy navigation, establish canonical references, and create clean URLs that accurately reflect the content. Furthermore, search engines must comprehend the content of a specific webpage and its relevance to users' queries. As search engines refine their understanding of user intent through algorithm updates, staying current with best practices is essential to maximize your search visibility.

Off-page analysis delves into how websites impact your perceived authority according to Google.

The algorithms driving search engines assign substantial weight to off-page factors. An Off-Page SEO audit specifically dissects your website's linking strategies, which play a pivotal role in optimizing search engine performance. This involves scrutinizing the type of backlinks, their relevance to your site, their volume, and their strategic positioning.

Following a thorough assessment of your linking strategy, our SEO audit services will furnish recommendations for acquiring superior backlinks from authoritative websites. Furthermore, we undertake the elimination of unnatural links that hinder your site's rankings, while also reviewing domains that provide backlinks.


Suspicious backlink activities can severely damage your ranking. Identifying such links prompts us to formulate a strategy for their removal, restoring your website's favorable standing with Google.


As part of your SEO audit plan, you'll receive an off-page analysis and comparative study that dissects your off-page SEO practices, alongside those of your primary competitors. Key evaluation areas encompass the quality of backlinks, anchor text within backlinks, strategic placement of backlinks, relevance of backlinks, and quantity of backlinks. This comprehensive evaluation generates invaluable off-page SEO insights and actionable suggestions.

Identify programming errors and technical issues that are causing your website’s poor performance.


When it comes to website SEO services, an audit is conducted to address essential technical issues. These include tasks like ensuring proper SSL installation, identifying any missing pages, resolving HTTP headers, .htaccess file, robots.txt, and encompassing aspects from site architecture to page speed, crawl errors, and more.


The website SEO audit services delve into crawl statistics, review XML sitemaps, and analyze the robots.txt file to enhance web crawler efficiency. In cases of transitioning from HTTP to HTTPS, our SEO audit services recommend incorporating 301 redirects and guaranteeing correct schema and markup implementation.


To conduct a technical SEO audit, tools like Google Search Console are employed to detect notifications, errors, and updates affecting your on-page SEO. Supplementary tools like Screaming Frog, Moz Pro, Majestic SEO, Semrush, and Ahrefs provide additional insights into various elements, including accessibility, site architecture, links, content, keywords, analytics, and more.


Technical SEO audit services pinpoint these issues and offer effective solutions. Furthermore, our expertise lies in resolving these SEO issues. Our in-house development team ensures swift issue resolution, enabling you to witness tangible results from your efforts, such as improved indexing on SERPs.

A comprehensive review of your website content is followed by recommendations to boost SERP ranking.

We evaluate your current content strategy to ensure that you are creating content assets that are capable of driving organic search traffic. We begin with assessing the content quality of your website. This assessment includes topics for blog posts/articles, content formatting, and keyword usage throughout your content. It should be original, informative, engaging, and easily comprehensible. 


Furthermore, we link this evaluation to the technical aspects of SEO to make sure that your web pages are technically optimized for success. The quality of your content significantly impacts user experience and your site ranking. Our SEO audit services analyze and advise on necessary modifications to your content strategies. 


Moreover, we perform a comparative analysis of your content against that of your competitors, addressing discrepancies in both quantity and quality. We then identify and rectify duplicate content, including meta tags, as they can negatively affect your website's performance.


We never embark on a project without conducting thorough keyword research. This involves an in-depth understanding of your industry, company, competitors, and target audience. Keyword research aids in identifying opportunities, enhancing on-page optimization, and ensuring alignment of your content with your SEO objectives. Precisely targeted keywords can enhance your competitiveness within search results, address the queries posed by your audience, and establish the basis for content that attracts customers.

Result-driven SEO Audit Services at Your Disposal

In our capacity as an SEO audit service provider, we customize your audit to match your specific industry and pertinent factors. Our all-encompassing SEO audit offerings encompass several crucial domains, including On-Page SEO Audit, Off-Page SEO Audit, Content SEO Audit, Technical SEO Audit Services, Architecture and Code Evaluation, and Google Penalty Identification Audit, among others.

Before proposing any site improvements, we meticulously scrutinize these pivotal elements. Our top-notch website SEO audit services are not only intended to address current issues but also to elevate and enhance your website, resulting in improved search engine rankings.


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